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NING YIP & Friends
2013-12-21 10:00 PM - 2 小時
藝穗會 奶庫 香港中環下亞厘畢道2

就在這個譜天同慶的節日裏,有甚麼比和朋友們相聚更為賞心樂事?一面把酒談心,一面欣賞新派爵士樂化的聖誕樂曲~HMV與及CD Warehouse最佳暢銷榜「爵士樂和古典音樂類別」得主"NING YIP"今次作出大胆新嘗試,大玩多樣化爵士樂曲風,將傳統聖誕歌曲反轉、反轉再反轉,創新、活潑、而又富優默感的演繹手法,必定能令你大開眼界、拍案叫 絕,而又發出會心微笑;朋友們!當"聖誕"遇上"爵士"..........又會是怎麼一回事?

We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Jingle Bells
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Joy To The World......

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  • AKG C411pp Condenser Pickup Mic

    AKG C411PP Condenser Pickup Microphone

    Ultralight vibration pickup. Condenser transducer in sealed enclosure. Cable with lockable miniature XLR connector.

    Weighing only 18 grams, this ultralight condenser pickup is ideal for acoustic guitar, mandolin, violin, and most other stringed instruments. The C411 will give a clear and uncolored sound without changing the balance of the instrument. Attaching the C411 on or near the bridge or anywhere else on the instrument is easy with the included non-marring, reusable, solvent-free adhesive compound. Frequency range 10-18,000 Hz. Max SPL 100dB

    $200 Daily

    in Microphone